We set up your app experience by matching your rank selection to the latest Professional Fitness Exam (PFE) testable content.
Ace PDG is updated when the Air Force releases a new guide or changes AFH-1 or AFH 36-2647.
Study with flashcards or read testable sections of AFH1. Flash cards include the 24 Foundational Principles in AFH 36-2647 and prepare you for the Situational Judgment Test (SJT) part of the PFE.
On the road or exercising? Try our audio feature in Handbook mode.
Give it a try now!Quiz yourself any time you finish one of the study sections. Our section quizzes cover every testable topic, including the SJT.
Want to ensure you’ll ace the PFE? Study every section and answer all 4,000+ quiz questions!
Give it a try now!Think you’ll ace it? Take the closest to actual PFE! 60 questions are sourced from AFH1 and 20 from AFH 36-2647 (SJT section). Each question is 1.25 points, totaling 100.
Take the mock exam as often as you need to feel ready. Each exam features new questions!
Give it a try now!Curious how you rank compared to other Airmen nationwide? Check out the Ace PDG leaderboard once you finish a mock exam.
E-5 and E-6 promotions are awarded based on how you do compared to your peers.
Visit the leaderboard to find out.
Give it a try now!Use the Ace PDG mobile app to get promoted to E5 and E6, advance your career, and earn more!
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The Promotion Fitness Examination (PFE) is a test that Airmen take as part of the Weighted Airman Promotion System (WAPS) to determine if they are eligible for promotion to Staff Sergeant (E-5) and Technical Sergeant (E-6).
The 2025 PFE will be available to eligible Airmen on the following dates:
The PFE consists of 80 questions, each worth 1.25 points, totaling 100 maximum points.
An SJT is a behavioral assessment that presents a candidate with a hypothetical work-related scenario and asks how they would respond. SJTs are used to measure a candidate's decision-making and thought processes and are a common tool for employers across many industries.
The Weighted Airman Promotion System (WAPS) is an Air Force program that determines promotions to the ranks of Staff Sergeant (E-5) and Technical Sergeant (E-6). Each year, The Air Force determines the number of promotions needed to fulfill mission requirements and manning goals as set forth by law and regulation. The Air Force then divides these slots by percentages across its various Air Force Specialty Codes (AFSCs), with some career fields receiving a few extra slots. The result is a system in which each candidate for promotion only competes against those in the same Air Force Specialty (AFS). The numbers of promotion slots are not disclosed until after testing.
Eligible candidates receive points based on a number of criteria, including awards and decorations, Enlisted Performance Report (EPR) points, Promotion Fitness Examination (PFE) points, and Specialty Knowledge Test (SKT) points. Fractions of points are awarded for certain categories, resulting in scores that are not whole numbers. Candidates with the highest numbers of points, up to the promotion allowance in each career field, are promoted.
The score of the last person promoted is known as the cutoff. The cutoff can gauge how narrowly a given candidate missed a promotion. The cutoff score varies each testing cycle because of variations in both the number of promotion slots and the number of points earned by the top candidates.